Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Art Marketing in Tucson

Hi, all,

My friend and self-supporting artist, Steven Derks, will be leading a discussion on, well, marketing art in Tucson, at the Wilmot Library this Thursday evening 6-8 p.m.

I'm planning on attending, and have invited Phil Miller along. Anyone else interested in carpooling or caravaning?


Monday, October 27, 2008

Party, party, party!

There's a kick-off party for the Studio Tour at Candace's house this coming Sunday at 3 p.m. That's 12255 W. Sunset Road. If you're not sure where it is, check the map on the flyer I sent, or the TPAC Tour map.

Bring some finger food to share.

Also bring multiple business cards to trade with everyone. I will have your color PRAG flyer there, and it has a slot for everyone's cards.

This is a celebration/strategy meeting for all PRAG members and significant others. See you there!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Flyers ready!

Hi, all!

The BW flyers are ready to go. I had 100 printed at 20¢ apiece on a bright heavy paper stock. They're suitable for posting on a bulletin board, or folded into thirds and mailed.

Let me know how many you want. If that totals more than 100 for the 6 of us, I'll have more printed.

You can come pick them up at my house, just call before. Heck, in a pinch, I'll drop them off at your houses.

The more we get out the better!

And I still have a BUNCH of the official color Studio Tour cards to distribute.

Anyone else getting excited about this? :-)


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last chance to get work in for pre-Tour show

I just dropped off a piece at Galeria Mistica for the pre-Tour show. Wow, what a great space it is.

You can put in a piece up to 34x40". It doesn't cost anything, the kickoff party is there November 6, and you can take your piece home after the party. Deadline to get it in is 7 p.m. Wednesday (15th) night.

I know that Candace plans to get a piece in. It would be cool if all of us were represented. Just a thought.

You're welcome to call me if you need more info: 260-8075.

I've also got BUNCH of handout cards from TPAC with the info, dates, times, etc. for both the tour and kickoff party. Please take some off my hands. Email or call and we'll arrange getting them to you.

PRAG flyers will be available very soon.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Featured Portfolio

I have the privilege of having the Featured Portfolio today, on the international site for artists, Art Bistro. :-)

You can check it out at http://www.artbistro.com/

Also, I did the majority of the layout for PRAG's flyer for the Open Studio Tour last night. If any of you want to send me a .jpg of your work to include you may... otherwise I'll use what's on the TPAC site.

I will give you a color flyer to post in your studio for the Tour, plus a stack of B&W flyers showing an easily read map to everyone's studios. Copies of this will be available to send out to your mailing lists.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Studio Tour map is up!

Have you seen it? It's here.

Wow, everyone, PRAG looks great! Congrats to Judy Nakari, Phil Miller, Ron Schoonejongen, Candice Greenburg, Sherry Bryant (and me) for getting work up and making us look so good!


PS. I can get your addresses and phone numbers from the Tour map to make a PRAG map, but please send me a digital copy of your work! Thanks.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Studio Tour perks

Hi, all,

Studio Tour is coming up in a couple of months, the first after the formation of PRAG.

I know that several of you are participating. Here's what I'd like to do for us all.

I think we should have a flyer available at all locations, with a map showing every PRAG open studio and including an example of each artist's work. I will be happy to put this together for all of us. Please just send me your studio's address, a photo of your work, and a one-sentence description of your work (in general). If you'd like, I'll also list phone numbers.

This should be fun....

:-) Randy

Friday, August 22, 2008

New member

This just in from Judy Nakari:

We have a new PRAGger! Her name is Sherry Bryant and she lives on Lakayucca. She has registered to be in open studio, and indicated that she is a PRAG member.

Welcome Sherry!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time to register for the Tour

Here it is folks, plenty early, but time to register for the Open Studio Tour in November.

Here's your link to the registration form.

I suggest that whatever else we put into the "Please enter your message" box, that we include at the end, "I am a member of PRAG."

There is a bit of sticker shock this year, as entry has been upped to $45/person. :-/ The good thing is that if we register now we'll be included in the TPAC Arts Calendar, and benefit from all the other publicity that TPAC coordinates.

In addition, I'll put together a PRAG flyer with a detailed map and examples of work that will be available for all of us to have and distribute at our studios, and that can also be used as a notice for local bulletin boards.

Let's get a bunch of us (and any other artists we know) to sign up!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Request for info

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a carpet cleaning service?

Randy and Lisa